Skills and Innovations


Will countries be able to rebuild their economies now?



Countries can rebuild their economies by prioritising skills acquisitions and innovations, as the catalysts to building stronger healthier economies. They can restrategise and make everything to work.

Failure is when one has conceded to defeat without even trying. It is possible for countries  to  recover , after  so much losses  ,but it depends  on the plans  that are put in place and the  time frame placed  for their economic recoveries. Sometimes  it takes long ,but persistence and not giving  up  is the magic to building  stable stronger economies.Getting knowledgeable people  who are well vast  in  their  expertise  is  a sure way to building  a successful  economy.Most  countries  these days  seem to be playing  the roulette games by just  handing   sensitive positions  to people  who are not well qualified to handle them,hoping that  they are in a magic ring,they run circuses  of government changes , bringing  their countries  to places  of  ridicule and making everyone to suffer.We  are hoping for a better  world where sentiments  are not used  to run economies .It  is possible  for countries to recover with able hands  running their  economies , while working with already  trusted plans , that will  bring the magical changes  for everyone. 

Many countries of the world are   in crises and people are becoming poorer . There are unrests   everywhere because people cannot cope with  what is happening  around them.How  can nations rebuild their  economies  and stem the  tides of unrest around the world?.The leaders  need  to  bring in new strategies  to  expand their economies in this ever changing world. As we can see some of these poorer nations, have continued to use the old  methods  without asking questions  from the  bigger economies.They need to ask questions and learn how to  rebuild their  economies.They need to restrategise on  how  to increase food production   to avoid famine.The  basic  things of life  are food,shelter  and water.They  need to find ways of making sure that  these three basic  needs are met,  to stem  the waves  of unrest  around the world. Poverty is a scourge. A hungry man becomes an angry man.To  increase  animal  husbandry, they  can open new  factories  where they can  rear  livestocks.This will  increase the production of meat  and cut down  the market costs.They  can open centres  where the  unemployed  young people  can train  in agriculture.In  so doing  there  will be enough food in the future for everyone.Farming  should be the  priority  to increase food production. They need to build low cost housing units, to house people on low income. And provide good running water  for their people.In so doing the poorer people  can be provided with the basic needs  of life.They can  also open  specialist  markets where  trade people  can market their products.

They can trade free or  with low rents   to enable the traders  sell their goods cheap to the populace.They need to train engineers, doctors nurses,teachers,bankers  and other professionals,  who can run their countries parastatals. Getting people healthy  has become a problem, as there are shortages of doctors and nurses in hospitals  around the world.There is need  for good  health  as  no  sick person can work .It is not only necessary ,but vital to allocate large  sums  into  education,training and health services.There is no doubt that having  genuine vital medicines  can help to keep people healthy,hence the need to invest in science , innovation and skills.The poorer countries can think about bringing in  medications or even  pleading with  wealthy countries  to help them with medical supplies.In so doing  nations can minimise  the show of children being paraded about in hospitals around the world as hungry, malnourished  children with leaders  spending monies  on things that do not come first.One  of the  skills that many people around the world seem to be dropping   is the farming  and gardening  skills.Recently the world watched on in disgust , while images of  children from many poor countries  of the world were  shown skinny and malnourished.It is quite upsetting  but  personal   farms by parents , has been found to help  in providing food for children in times of need.There  is nothing wrong  in taking up farming as a hobby, to save on food if  one can get the needed permission from council.For the people in the third world,many people have their own lands, where they   can  plant  seeds  for food.There could be ways to  increase food production for countries  if we think deeply.The new city life is not for everyone , so why do people like running to the cities ,when they don’t have the needed  skills to earn a living especially in the developing world.

Most of the richest men in most countries are the farmers. Instead of people complaining that there is nothing for them to eat, when they are healthy, they can think  of  farming or developing the skills  to make their own food  to  stay out of hunger. This is something the ancients did and is a very vital part   of  a healthy  lifestyle.

Explore and Read  Graceful Issues 1-12